Monday, February 21

Geram !

The other day we went to Giant bah beli barang rumah (time bulan tua!) hate hate hate! ok ni cerita dia, after kena scan scan scan all the things that we wanna buy the the lady at the counter said "ok thank you" then buat tidak tau ja. why? tu barang2 semua bukan kena kasi masuk inside plastic! then i asked her "no plastic ka?" then she said "hari ni ari sabtu kak memang tdk pakai plastic" then i was like "ooohhhh....tapi kalau mau beli tu plastic pun tiada ka?" (coz last time i remembered the plastic you can still buy for 2o cent each but now langsung tiada sudah!

So geram juga la time tu. the lady said you can buy the recycled bag for rm2 + and rm4 (dalam hati saya kalau itu mahal pla kamu jual pedahal recycled bag saja!) huh because the things that we bought that time banyak small stuff and wet stuff bah. luckily before we entered the store c bos took the trolley outside ( itu pun before masuk bising2 lagi dia mau bawa trolley, see now what's the benefit for it kan). so all the stuff sa kasi masuk ja dalam tu trolley then we headed out.

Then outside i was looking at other people who went into Giant and i saw most of their stuff inside the trolley same like ours (no plastic bag). then i said "siapa lah bah yang ingat mau bawa plastik sendiri, buduh punya Giant" hehehee i said that because other stores kan if you didn't bring yourself a plastic bag they will sell you theirs tapi ni Giant ni betebiat! everytime you walk out of your house with your kids will you remember to bring a plastic bag? (that will be the last thing on my mind!) macamana la tu lau orang yang no car, no plastic bag, not enough money to buy the recycled bag??? kesian kan! heeyyyy ni Giant kan not thinking about others bah.

I wonder if Servay do this GREEN thing also (no plastic bag on weekend)...... now pun at Giant macam abit expensive already their stuff there.


- please SAVE MORE BUY LESS for the next expenses (huhuhuuu boros bah!!) save pun susah!

- buy things that IMPORTANT only. or maybe that you NEED only. (how la kalau tiba2 mau makan itu ini) huhuuuu

- DO NOT BUY CLOTHES! wheter for you or Dania. huhuhuuu

- ..... still thinking......

I will die next month...............................................................................

How do you do your budget? maybe can share some tips that can save more ;)


KenMAHD said...

Hi Anne :) Thanks for following my blog :) Followed urs, too :)

Hmm..klu bab2 budget utk shopping ni kadang2 sa fail jg..kena kasi kuat hati ja ni specific tip for u at the moment.. :(

Apa2 pun yg penting know ur income and ur expenses..don't overbudget :)

Finie Ramos said...

oh...thanks for visiting my blog..

from ur story...from now on, kita bwa la plastik kita pigi kdai runcit pn ndak kasi msuk tin sardin sy dlm plastik.main pigang ja..

Cintai Alam Sekitar... ^_^

chegu carol said...

Hi Anne, thanks for visiting and commenting in my blog.

Personally, I am all support for this No Plastic campaign. Dlm kereta sa memang stok 3 tu eco shopping bag and in my handbag, sa kasi sedia dua. Foldable eco bag from Guardian, memang buli muat dlm handbag-mcm plastic. Hehehe...tapi ya, i understand..kalau ngam2 tidak terbawa eco bag sendiri, mmg geram juga + bingung juga pa mcm mo bawa barang yg byk. But usually, memang pakai trolley la.

Anne B. said...

kenmahd: hello...thnx for visiting me back :) and thnx for ur komen. ya kena kuat kan hati sdh ni skrg, mau tutup seblah mata sdh lau jmpa yg di ingin kan tp x important heheh....

finie : hahahha lau kedai runcit x pa bah men pigang ja teda org mau tngk2 bah hehhe tp lau supermarket yg besar like giant susa skit ni, but luckily ramai juga blm teingat mau bwa plastic sndri.

cigu carol: oh right....baru ingat ada pla that eco bag at time if go to guardian will get it ;)