Monday, June 13

Don't talk behind 'them'

Remember my thigh yang kena 'hisap momo' konon tu just because i was telling my SIL about a ghost story? hehee sa mau post out about the story here, saja tuk baca2 di masa akan datang lol!! there's two story happened at the same place but different time.

First story :

My aunty saw a women was sweeping at the balcony of my uncle's house that afternoon. in the evening they met up and my aunt asked him 'mana bini ko?' and my uncle said 'balik kampung, kenapa?' and my aunt surprise lah kan with what she saw and what my uncle told her. and she said ' aik jadi siapa sa nmpak menyapu di luar rumah kamu tdi?', my uncle dengan selambanya jawab 'itu bini no.2 sa hehe'. tidak takut lgi tu bah!

so that night (same day) while my uncle sleeping inside his room and his kids in the other room. he felt like there's something disturbing his sleep, mcm ada rmbt sana muka dia rasa >< so he turn his head to side and there's a women laying down beside him! (macam puntianak) then dia try may sigung bah (mcmana mau explain ni ahh) suddenly 'that thing' said ' kenapa mau cuba' ! adui... sampai becakap bah, so after that my uncle probably just stay there on bed while praying hard for the thing to go.

He was like teasing itu benda bah kan yg petang tu cakap itu bini dia.

Second story :

My cousin with her sis was sitting in their house balcony in the afternoon/evening and c Jc ni cakap main main saja to her sis Zz that like she saw something standing on the ground between both my uncle's houses. and they were laughing about it, then when Jc tengok betul2, there was someone actually standing there with white long clothes.

The next day, at night there's a kenduri at my aunt's new house (same area) and everybody's there. and after the ceremony finished suddenly black-out. my cousin Jc that time was sitting beside my grandma and she asked her 'apa jadi lau kita main rakam2 malam gini nek?' so my grandma said 'jangan ko main2 jc', but c Jc ni rakam juga! after that she played back what she'd recorded and in that black screen suddenly an ugly face like flying to the front screen! and tekejut la c kawan ni. so the whole time Jc was so quite and pale. she didn't tell anyone about what happened. so semua pun heran la sama dia ni. and that time also when she looked at the window she saw that face and almost whole figure was standing outside the window!

When they were on the way back home, jalan kaki saja with their parents... Jc and her sister Zz saw the ghost was following behind them! but they kept on walking. at their house their mother asked Zz to lock the stair gate, so turun lagi la p bawah dia mau lock itu gate and when she bend down to lock it (boleh imagine ka?) and mata dia menengok sana depan dekat tiang rumah she saw a long white clothes yang buruk and lama sudah, with a long hair almost to the ground i think. but Zz tidak tengok sampai atas la coz she knows that the ghost still there outside their house area (her father ada taru penjaga bah d rumah dorang so itu benda mcm x brani masuk kawasan).

eeeeee!! bikin takut kan. i think this thing just wanna make friends with them ;) hehee! i heard that they saw the ghost did smile at them. i'm not sure which part and when.

So the concluding of my story (aisehhh) at their housing area kg. Lingkudau kgau (rumah bebaris bah berdepan depan ja) never ever say something bad or funny or try to tease this 'thing' when you were there because it will show you the real 'them'. seriously. happened to me also last time while i was still pregnant.

Amacam cerita sa ni?


Anonymous said...

OMG! interesting sbab ko post ngam2 time mlm ni hahaha pastu sa 1org dlm bilik hoho uinnaah bkin takut o...btul tu.mmg nda bleh kasi main2 prkara camni ba kan...

...thanks for the interesting stories. trus sa rindu kumpul2 sama kwn2 crita2 camni hehe

CathJ said...

oi...takut sia mau bacaaaa... hihihihi

SJB aka SUELYN J-B. said...

Bikin takut oh.

Time saya baca ni pun saya balik balik tengok belakang hehehe. Takut.

Anne B. said...

hi michelle...

haha ngm jgla kan mlm2 ko tebaca blog sia ;) yaba cam drg blh dgr ja lau kita crita psl drg ni, gila btl...;)

hi cath...

tkt ka? ada ko bca hbs?heheh

hi sue...

hahahaa!! sama ja kita ni, time sa type2 ni pun blk2 sa tngk blakang jga ba. takut jga hehehee

mick said...

i hate thisss..tapi habis juga balik-balik tingu buli imagin sap sa pernah mcm uncle ko las time..cisss!!!

Anne B. said...

hahaaa ada jga kwn sa menengok blkng blk2 hehee, astga yaba?ko pun penah gtu pla...x ko crita....