i was pissed off the other day when i saw her blog once again she talk about me in 'public network', well for me a blog is a public place where anybody can read what you've written. well she copy paste my message that i sent to her through FB and then she made not-so-nice comment about it.
Apa cerita sa ni?
in my previous post i said that i had a misunderstanding with this person and i already made an explanation to her, so for me it's done lah. so life goes on. i don't even want to mention it again.
But then after few weeks when i was checking my facebook friend-list, i realized that her name wasn't there anymore. i was shocked and totally confused!! so i decided to send her a message just to ask her nicely why did she remove me from her friend-list in FB, but she didn't reply. so when i was doing blog-hopping, i stop at her blog and that's when i saw she copy paste my message. what she said?
well, something like this " asking me a stupid question", " dia yang mau kasi panjang cerita lama, pura-pura tia tau lagi ", " ko soal, ko sendiri lah jawab", " buat-buat bodoh lagi depan orang", "bagus lagi sa diam-diam daripada mau explain sama orang yang macam apa ja..."
so after reading all those comment/sarcasm/phares in her post i was so angry. why? because i have no idea what she's talking about! okay let me comment one by one from her post :
- "asking me a stupid question" ,
its not stupid! infact i asked you nicely. for you it is a stupid question because i have no idea why suddenly you were acting like that so that is why i'm asking you.
- " dia yang mau kasi panjang cerita lama, pura-pura tia tau lagi",
cerita lama yang pasal kau tuduh sa kasi nangis anak ko pedahal sa sudah kasi explain face to face lagi sama ko! as far as i'm concern since the last time i visited your house to give you explaination kita teda bejumpa lagi kan, even meeting your kids pun teda.... and i spent most of my time at my gran's house lagi, jadi apa yang sa sudah buat sebenarnya? ofcourse la i'm confused and had to ask you why you remove me.
- " ko soal, ko jawab lah sendiri ",
sa sudah soal tapi teda jawapan coz all the answer is from you, but didn't even want to tell me what's going on!
- " buat-buat bodoh lagi depan orang ", memang lah sa buat tia tau coz sa teda buat apa2 yang salah sama ko nor to your family. i am not a person yang teda perasaan mau buat begitu kalau sa ada buat salah. not like some people.
- " bagus lagi sa diam-diam daripada mau explain sama tu orang yang macam apa ja...",
well orang yang macam apa? stupid? crazy? irritating? come on lah, don't you realize your behaviour is the one that want to make this matter longer or unsolved. sa tia suka bermusuh, so until now you still don't want to explain to me means that ko tia mau berbaik lah kan, ko lebih suka keadaan begini. don't you think it's selfish?
it's fine for me if you don't want to make things straight, god knows who is right and who is wrong, and only god can judge me! your accusation towards me will never end. i thought you were different from what i heard but i was wrong. for you maybe sa ni talam dua muka, but you didn't know me well and you always accusing people. if this matter is about your kids again you're defintely wrong! pasal hal budak kenapa la bah mau kasi besar, biasalah kan budak2 ni...
i'm sorry if what i said here is hurting or make you angry or maybe kalau boleh ko mau jumpa sa terus sini sebelah and marah sa. but i don't mind, because i need to speak up, i need to tell on my side of story. because when people (your friend/family) read your blog everybody will make their comment.
if you want to tell me or made a comment here in my post saying that susah-susah saja sa type2 semua ni pasal ni hal saja, like what you replied me in the FB message, no, it's not like that.sa bukan mau bermusuh apalagi macam kita ni yang kira family, tinggal pun seblah ja, so by behaving like this is definitely not nice at all. i just think that i need to say something and how i feel about this situation eventhough people said just ignore you because its not worth it. but i'm not like that yang suka kasi panjang hal bodoh.
So in my conclusion to this matter, semua dari kau saja lah, sa tia rugi apa-apa juga.ko mau simpan and cakap sama orang lain saja maybe ko sendri makan hati okay. take care.