Wednesday, December 8


I was searching for Dania's wet tissue yesterday when i found my old notebook from few years back. Then i remembered that i have several of my notebook that i've lost and no where to be found. i know it is somewhere inside the stor room.

image via here

The note book that i found yesterday was a sad story of mine. but still i love reading it. it help me to ponder upon some situation that hit me big during that years and made me learn it and apply it on my current life. as i was reading it while sitting on the sofa mostly i was shaking my head. it was stupid though.

image via here

I love notebook. i have tons of it since i was in high school. i always buy notebook eventhough i will not use it because i just love to see the cover design and to collect it just made my day.
but now since i was away from kk which is my second home and where mostly my old notebooks was (if they didn't throw it) i missed reading them.

image via here

For now i can't wait to go back to kk and go to Something Different to buy a few of notebook! i just love their notebook because of their unique design, very vintage style and the paper is brown in colour. i hope they still open because it's been ages since i went there.

image via here

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