Dania is feeling much better now. active already, mulut pun bising ^^ but still no appetite, maybe masih lemas skit. i am feeling soooo relief right now but still tired (tapi masi juga berinternet hehe!) ada reason sudah ni.
So why hospital?
WARNING -----> banyak cakap this post ^^
Last night when hubby arrived home from work Dania was about to fall asleep, still with the high fever (after i gave her fever med still the med can't seem to fight the fever) and i was so worried that time, tlampau betul panas. never in her life fell sick like this! suddenly hubby said better we go to hospital then off we go. and Dania wa soo excited to 'go' too. asal mau jalan saja memang no.1 lah c dania tu sampai tdk sabar sabar.
Sampai d sana registered her and check her temperature and it's 39! so the nurse said bawa pi emergency cause tlampau high, and i hate to go to the emergency, slalu banyak orang lambat giliran lah ^^ There this guy check Dania's form then he said 'open all her shirt and everything that she wore and lay her down on the bed' then he put the med inside her backside (brabis c Dania peluk sa, takut) 1 biji terus the guy kasi sumbat. he said to us again 'bring he to the bathroom and bath her tha cold water' dui...punya sa takut masa tu because that time it was already almost 12am! bayangkan lah punya sejuk the water kan. but what to do pegi ja lah.
Lucu juga lah to think back incident in the bathroom with Dania naked mau kasi mandi dia nah bising2 lagi kami tu ^^ then there's one couple masuk toilet juga with their toddler (boy) same case like Dania. dorang baru lah terus siram dari kepala, they asked their little boy to stand on the floor and they poured the water on his head first and Dania pula i make her sat on the sink, but many people told me suppose the body first need to get wet then the head, supaya budak tidak tekejut bah hehee tapi ni coule lain pla. and satu kali siram saja trus dorang lap the boy and bring back to the nurse. me and Dania belum lagi siap masa tu, i still pouring out water on her while she shivering and told me to stop again and again(kesian betul bah!!) c hubby pun kelam kabut tolong while holding my handbag and Dania's stuff.
Suddenly the couple came back again, *heran* c hubby p menyibuk tanya ^^ rupanya the guy just now suru kasi mandi lagi cause the boy's temp is not going down.(masa bawa Dania after mandi tu terpaksa lalu depan banyak pesakit -_-' and every eyes you can feel that they are watching you huhu) back to check her temp, the guy said 'ada turun, try kasi mandi lagi satu kali' and that time i was scared already at how Dania will react when she have to bath the cold water again! so cerita di tandas lagi ^^ she cried. sambil cakap suru stop siram dia lagi tu hehe, but this time for awhile only we bath her. went for a check back again, its 38 already, skit saja turun. so okay juga after that need to see the doc.
Quickly we put back Dania shirt, luckily i brought along her blanket oh to cover her after bathing her that night kalau teda memang kami lah paling kesian! and after that Dania keep quiet only (proses mengaktif balik the brain maybe ^^)
Its not that long that we have to wait see tha doc, nah masa sama tu doc lagi c Dania nangis lagi! because the doc need to check her tonsil, so she need to open her mouth kan and c Dania ni paling la susah mau suru dia buka mulut so she cried la when we forced her. and yupp she had a tonsil, quite bad actually so that's why her fever wont go kan. okay next need to check her weight and this time lagi la worst her cry. c Dania ni juga phobia kena kasi duduk atas weighing scale, have no idea why.
Off we go home at 1am! masa ni rasa mau pengsan pun ada cause too sleepy and tired, but before that c kici was saying that she's hungry so hubby brought her to kfc tapi tidak juga dia mau makan, kami pla bah -_-'
hope you're not bored reading this ^^