Thursday, December 4

2 Day of tiredness

I did go to Warisan Square to find new sunglasses yesterday but couldn't find the one that i really like. so we just go window shopping there then went to parkson. i had a flu yesterday and so i'm not really enjoying myself.

pictures while we're at Warisan.

Sorry because lately i posted quite alot of Bebe's picture yaaa. ohh and also don't mind some of my pictures hehehee.

Then today early in the morning we went to beach as i mention in my previous post. i am still in bad flu plus very sleepy but have to wake up also at 6.30 am. so here some pictures :

kurus me (-_-') buruk

my couzzy sheila i asked her to jump high then i took picture of her. macam she did ballet dance pula kan.

Tg.Aru beach 3.

After came back from the beach everybody is very tired and me straightly pengsan on bed heee. then woke up at 4.30 whch i thought it was 6.30 pm already coz the sky outside our room window was very dark.

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