Friday, November 21

Holiday time !!

Going back to keningau tomorrow early in the morning, maybe 5.30 am / 6.00 am. I love to start a journey on the early morning... when it's still cold and abit dark. what i don't like is everytime in the morning my tummy start to feel not good. it is always like that.

I hope tomorrow along the journey will not be as hot as our previous journey which is damn hot! it was like somebody bake me in an oven. i'm like a potato in the car being roasted. seriously.

We are not gonna use the road to kk but we're using the road from ranau straight to tambunan then keningau. i hope the road is ok because thia is the first time for us to use the road there.

What i hate about this holiday is that ney only have 6 days of off day from work! his off kena kurang because before this was 8 days then to 6 days!!

I am sooo mad today. why? because i hate waiting for hours!! and i hate when the same mistake occur again and again, why it have to be like that?? why? and i'm tired of talking about the stupid mistake! i wont forgive and i wont forget. it's not a revenge. i'll give a lesson. so mad right now.

So i'm glad to be staying at kk for a few weeks away from here. SO GLAD! i can clear my mind.

I'll post my blog if i had any chance to make a connection through internet. but maybe i'll be 1 week without internet in keningau.

I hope everybody is at home in keningau. so it wont be boring.

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