Tuesday, March 29

10 Day You Challenge - 01. Picture of myself

As much i don't want to post my picture -_-' but for this challenge tiapa lah...

The most recent picture :

Masa ni me and Dania camwhoring hahaa! actually only Dania, but sa ni ikut2 saja. boring kan.

One thing i realized about myself ni makin kurus pula! hate it. during my holiday in kk my weight naik juga then back here turun balik, geram sangat! don't know what else to do to gain more and more weight ni... any idea? besides eat and eat and eat only, manalah adakan.

Finally my 10 Day You Challenge is done. i am happy for posting every single one of it ^^ thank you for reading it ya!

Bah next picture for this post :

Cookies and Cream cupcake

Was baking again today. hungry kan and the poppy seed cake that i baked the other day habis sudah di makan buaya dengan cepatnya ^^

Okay need to think my food planning now, night!


Annie said...

Your 10 Days Blog Challenge is finally over! Yay.. Sa belum start lagi ni. Haha!

Isabel said...

Start a new challenge la. Haha...sy pun nda suka klo tlampau kurus ni. hehe..

CathJ said...

Hellloooooo???? kau mau gumuk???? betul kah apa yg saya baca ni..... syukur lah badan kau slim terus tu moi.. ^_^

nah ambil lah lemak saya kalau mau...hihihihi....

Anne B. said...

hi annie...

siok la ko masi ada yg perlu d post2 out hehee...

hi isabel...

tungu sa kna tag2 la dlu ni bru ada lg hehee ya bah tlmpau kurus ni pakai bju pun cm x nmpak cntik bah...

hi cath...

hahahaa yaaa ba sa mau gumuk gumuk ni...tlmpau slim ba cath bikin malas juga, bah ko send sa lemak ko k hahaha JK!!

Unknown said...

waaaa. rajin ah wat challenge2 nii..
aku la paling pemalas ni..
tag pun malas bua. ahaha

Anonymous said...

rajinnya buat cupcakes! post la resepi..

Anne B. said...

hi mikko..
sometimes teda idea mau post something d blog kn so tag2 ni la slalu penyelamat :)

hi eis...
rajin buat coz nothing to eat ba hehee lau rasa sgt sedap baru la post recipe yaa :)